28Days of February: 28 Blogs on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Aakash S
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

Flaws in the Current System
Feb 01 → Blockchain Blog 01: Cryptocurrencies, Is it needed?
Feb 02 → Blockchain Blog 02: A Story of Economic System
Feb 03 → Blockchain Blog 03: Blockchain, For the Data Age
Feb 04 → Blockchain Blog 04: Blockchain — A Hope for the new World?
Feb 05 → Blockchain Blog 05: Blockchain to Eliminate Poverty?

The Core of Blockchain
Feb 06 → Blockchain Blog 06 — Cryptography, Security, and Crypto Wallets
Feb 07 → Blockchain Blog 07: Inside the Blockchain Technology
Feb 08 → Blockchain Blog 08: Bitcoin’s Genesis Block
Feb 09 → Blockchain Blog 09- Blockchain and the Mining
Feb 10 → Blockchain Blog 10: Bitcoin Mining

Blockchain Ecosystem
Feb 11 → Blockchain Blog 11: Blockchain Ecosystem — Crypto Categorization

Decentralize Finance
Feb 12 → Blockchain Blog 12: Decentralize Finance (DeFi)
Feb 13 → Blockchain Blog 13: Cryptocurrency Lending

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
Feb 14 → Blockchain Blog 14: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Blockchain Consensus Protocols
Feb 15 → Blockchain Blog 15: Blockchain Consensus Protocols

Crypto Exchanges
Feb 16 → Blockchain Blog 16: Crypto Exchanges

Feb 17 → Blockchain Blog 17: Roots of Metaverse —Gaming Industry
Feb 18 → Blockchain Blog 18: Metaverse — A 3D Internet
Feb 19 → Blockchain Blog 19: Metaverse and NFTs
Feb 20 → Blockchain Blog 20: Metaverse — The Future is here
Feb 21 → Blockchain Blog 21: Industries disrupted by Metaverse

Feb 22→ Blockchain Blog 22: NFT — Non-Fungible Token
Feb 23→ Blockchain Blog 23: NFT | Metaverse — Market Opportunity
Feb 24→ Blockchain Blog 24: NFT | Metaverse — Technology Insights

Investment Research(Unplaned)
Blockchain Blog 25: Cryptocurrency Analysis
Blockchain Blog 26: Cryptocurrency Investment Research
Blockchain Blog 27: Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Blockchain Blog 28: Crypto Resources

I have kept the remaining blogs on hold because the objective of the series was to understand the core philosophy and potential blockchain technology holds.
I believe that Metaverse: Web3 + Blockchain + XR will change lots of things in the tech world. And whether you are a consumer or developer, you must have a basic idea about what is going on all around.
If by any means, my blogs have encouraged you to solely believe in the Blockchain or Metaverse-related stuff then I will tell you to explore more by yourself. The future may be completely different than what we see right now. Also, blockchain is not the only solution to everything that we want to see in the future. So do not conclude here, keep exploring.

This is a series of 28 blogs to understand Blockchain, Metaverse, NFTs, and Crypto.

What it is not?

  • It is not a crypto investment advertisement blog.
  • It is not for learning blockchain development.
  • It is not about inspiring people to get crazy about blockchain, and NFTs

It is:

  • It is to understand the core philosophy and potential that blockchain technology holds.
  • It is to understand the next technology evolution. (i.e. NFT, Metaverse, and Crypto)

